This program encourages and supports creativity and art education throughout Broward County by providing opportunities for local artists to exhibit a body of their work in their local communities, and for those in our communities to view and purchase Fine Art by Broward Art Guild member artists. We display in art spaces made available by local businesses, and libraries. All art is for sale and helps support the Broward Art Guild, and the artists.
This is just another great way for our local artists to get exposure and for the community to enjoy MORE ART!
Browse our photo galleries on Facebook to see some Art Around Town Exhibits, past & present.
At this time, many of our venues are libraries.
Why show your artwork at a Broward County Library Branch location? Well, according to their website: "The award-winning Broward County Libraries Division, founded in 1974, is the largest library system in Florida by square footage and one of the busiest, with more than 9 million walk-in customers visiting its 40 locations annually. The library has more than 3.4 million items and 2,000 computers for public use, and offers hundreds of events and programs to meet the needs of Broward County's diverse community. Customers may also follow Libraries on Facebook and Twitter and since we post photos of our Art Around Town displays online and tag the Libraries pages, we are able to garner additional exposure for our artists.
Who can participate? ALL Current Broward Art Guild Members.
Is there a cost to participate? Not at this time; however the program is expanding rapidly and administrative costs etc are piling up so a nominal fee for participation will probably have to be instituted soon. It is our goal that these exhibit opportunities continue to be provided as a low-cost benefit to our membership.
How do you get on the list to be considered for an exhibit?
Simply fill out this online application
Someone from BAG will reach out to you to discuss opportunities once your information is reviewed and openings arise.