About Broward Art Guild

Organizational History…

The Broward Art Guild is the oldest and largest organization of working artists in Broward County. Formed in the late 1940’s, originally as a branch of the American Artists Professional League, the Guild later evolved into an independent, not-for-profit organization in 1950.

During its first 30+ years, the Guild operated with a volunteer staff of member artists and in 1986, engaged its first paid administrator.

As a community-based, predominantly volunteer-run organization, we are always looking for people who want to get involved in supporting the arts. We have many opportunities available for those who want to get involved, and welcome ideas for creating new artistic programs.

Board of Directors:

The Broward Art Guild Board of Directors are elected by the membership. The nomination process takes place during March and April and the voting is done at the Annual Membership Meeting held in May.

President: Teena Liesenfelt
Vice-President: Jeff Guzik
Treasurer: Richard Paull
Secretary: Mark Rubenstein
Executive Appointee: Medge Jaspan


Claudia Castillo-Quintana
G.man Cronier
Isa Fantal
Diane Karmiol
Frank Polanco

Executive Director :
Gerard Delaney

Business Coordinator :
Lee Brock

Membership Coordinator/Gran Writer :
Cathy Myers

Art Around Town Exhibit Coordinators:
Claudia Castillo Q, Anabel Rub Peicher

Art Outreach Workshops:
Anabel Rub Peicher (Chair),

Exhibition Committee:
Diane Karmiol (Chair), Teena Liesenfelt, Mark Rubinstein, Cheryl Eggleston, JL Schwartz, Stacey Miller, Shahina Siddiqi, George Cornish, Elizabeth Manger, Ann Alston

Volunteer Committee:
Teena Liesenfelt (Coordinator), Elizabeth Manger, Marc Gave, Medge Jaspan, Julie Cook, Linda Fontino,  Ann Alston, Lana Christoff, Jeff Guzik, G.man Cronier, Cathy Myers, Elaine Abbe, Franklin Brown, Jill Kareff, Stacy Miller, Jewellene Wilson, Elenor Denker, Victoria Englehart

Finance Committee:
Richard Paull (Chair), Teena Liesenfelt, Mark Rubinstein

Grants Committee:
Gerard Delaney, Marc Gave, Richard Paull, Elenor Denker, Mark Rubinstein

Hospitality Committee:
Jeff Guzik (Chair), Franklin Brown, ReGina Skane, Julie Cook, Linda Fontino, Ann Alston

Cathy Myers, John B. Cooke IV

Teena Liesenfelt, Medge Jaspan, Marc Gave, Mark Rubinstein, Cathy Myers

Broward Art Guild logo B large

> Board of Directors Application
> Broward Art Guild By-Laws
> COVID-19 Vaccination Policy for Employees

Funding for the Broward Art Guild is provided in part by the Broward County Board of County Commissioners as recommended by the Broward Cultural Council.